
All published Items in alphabetical order

  1. Chronometer A curious device
    artifact spellcasting focus
  2. Cinder Stone A warm red gemstone
    artifact spellcasting focus
  3. Dark Heart A rubbery black heart
    artifact spellcasting focus
  4. Galvanic Stones Magnetic gray stones
    artifact spellcasting focus
  5. Iridescent Spiral Contaminated with spirals
    rare wondrous item
  6. Radiant Crown A golden crown
    artifact spellcasting focus
  7. Ring of Problem Solving Careful what you wish for
    rare ring
  8. Subtle Bell A thick metal bowl
    artifact spellcasting focus
  9. Toxic Gland Tiny gland oozing black oil
    artifact spellcasting focus
  10. Verdant Wand Wooden wand wrapped in living vines
    artifact spellcasting focus
  11. Wand of Chaos Abracadabra!
    rare wand
  12. Winter Shard A magical ice crystal
    artifact spellcasting focus

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